LIFE Lawrence County Participant Celebrates 100th Birthday in Style

LIFE Lawrence County recently celebrated an incredible milestone as one of its cherished participants, Eleanor, turned 100 years old. With her radiant spirit and infectious smile, Eleanor declared herself “Queen for a Day” and expressed her desire for the celebration to never end, humorously stating that she would soon be “over 100.”

The festivities kicked off last week with an open house at Eleanor’s home on both Friday and Saturday. On Friday, LIFE staff visited her, bringing along delicious cupcakes and engaging in conversations about the history of 1924, the year Eleanor was born. The staff were delighted to learn about the past from someone who has lived through a century of change and growth.

Saturday’s Open House was equally joyous, as Eleanor spent the afternoon surrounded by friends and family. There was plenty of laughter, stories, and warm wishes, highlighting the strong connections she has built over her 100 years.

Eleanor also shared her secret to a long and fulflling life:

“Try to always be happy. Your happiness will bring you a good life.”

True words of wisdom. Happy 100th birthday, Eleanor!